Sunday, August 22, 2010

Reflection Week 8

What did you find surprising or striking as you furthered your knowledge about how people learn?
I found the different methods of using reinforcement to increase desirable behavior more appealing to me. Being able to initiate sustainable changes in behavior is a key to the success of many organizations. Establishing the motivation behind the learner’s reason for learning is essential. Students must feel confident in their ability to perform different competencies. As the instructional designer, it will be important to stagger easy confidence building task along the way to reaching the overall desired result. Taking this information and relating it back to the relevance of the learner will help in establishing a long-term change in behavior. This will assist in making the change more sustainable.
How has this course deepened your understanding of your personal learning process?
This has really been a great class for me. I have learned several things about my personal learning style, as well as, confirmed things I have assumed also. Going in depth on the various learning theories has helped open my eyes to more possible theories. It also allowed me to see more possible techniques that I will be able to use as the ID or the facilitator. In my current role, I often operate as the facilitator and instructional designer. This has provided me with several other considerations that should be taken.

· What have you learned regarding the connection between learning theories, learning styles, educational technology, and motivation?

An individual must possess the cognitive abilities along with the motivation in processing learning content. There are so many different established methods of learning theories from connectivisim to the behaviorist theory. Each method of established learning is beneficial to learners. Often times depending on the material and how much prior knowledge the participant may have with the material would be considerations for how you would design and or deliver content. For example, when you may have challenging content, it is a good best practice to build from prior knowledge or experience. Possibly using the connectivist approach where participants are able to look at different social or cultural dimensions, establishing their purpose and motivation for learning. Using scaffolding techniques to assist in breaking the content down to its simplest form will assist the learners in developing their zone of proximal development. This can be an independent or group activity that may be transferred to an online learning environment. Motivation plays a key role in the learning practices. It is a greater challenge to make self-directed learning environments responsive to the motivational requirements of learners. It requires both a systematic motivational design process that provides adequate guidelines and methods of incorporating feasible and effective motivational tactics into the environment, and knowledge of the dynamics of human motivation ( Keller 1999).
How will your learning in this course help you as you further your career in the field of instructional design?
This course has been a foundation in the preparation of furthering my career in the field of instructional design. It has helped to provide an understanding of the various learning styles and theories. The course has also introduced me to new uses of technology. I have started a blog and learned new ways to make it efficient in the learning process. This will be a great addition to our classroom online learning environment. In the retail sector, we are sometime limited to the request we can make of students when we don’t provide the resources to them while at work. I can see this being beneficial for the self-motivated learner that is willing to go the extra mile to further their own self development. Research has proven that students will study harder when the incentives are more attractive. A great deal of human behavior seems to be aimed at accomplishing long-term goals rather than satisfying short-term needs (Ormond et al, 229).
This is where as the facilitator, it will be key to gain their attention and show the value in the process providing them with personal benefits they may achieve from its use.

Keller, J. M. (1999). Using the ARCS motivational process in computer-based instruction and distance education. New Directions for Teaching and Learning (78).

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Fitting The Pieces Together

With the increase in knowledge of the various learning theories and styles I have found other learning styles that I possess. I always have known that I did not have one best style of learning that was a one size fit all. Often times the material that I needed to learn or even how long I needed to retain it often depended on the method of study. I can remember utilizing basic memorization techniques when needing to recite a speech in my earlier learning. This would be speeches that I would never utilize verbatim again; however, I needed to show current proficiency. Scaffolding is another technique that occurred without me realizing the proper name for it. I feel scaffolding is an excellent technique even in general discussions that plays a big part on the impact of learning for others. I also utilize paraphrasing often when learning new content. For me, this is how I truly possess the qualities of the humanist theory with a desire to fulfill my potential. If I can convert the same information into my own terminology without loss of its intended message, then, I have begun to learn the concept. This is also where the proper use of analogies will benefit the learner. As an instructional designer, the use of analogies with learners will be a benefit on their comprehension of the material.

When studying more challenging material I found the use of elaboration as a helpful technique. This method forces me to prove my comprehension of the learning material. Elaboration has so many forms of efficiency. Paraphrasing, questioning and note taking are just a few.
Throughout the study of the various learning theories, I feel I take part in the use of almost all of the Theories. Through the use of the cognitive learning theories, this is a great way for me to retrieve Information that may have been stored in my long term memory. I can take new information as I continue to learn and relate it to prior learning. This is useful in problem solving, concept learning, and transfer of knowledge.
I also feel adult learning provides the opportunity for reflection, clarification and guidance provided through an online learning environment. This can be found in the chat rooms, structured online class time or even through discussion. For some adults weary of approaching the in class environment due to other commitments, this method still provides a healthy, engaging, learning environment.

Technology has been a great tool for my learning environment. With the technology of today, I am able to be more efficient in my research and time. I am able to research several different mediums at once. Most research you can find in visual, auditory and even text format. This is a great attribute that will accommodate various learning styles. The variety of the learning resources is great for maintaining my attention span. One thing I can confirm I have learned about my learning style is, variety is better. Technology provides a great medium to store and share information amongst other learners. This enables group learning and individual learning. In some ways technology is very learner driven. For me, I have never really considered myself a “techno buff” and still don’t; however, through this course I am becoming more adept at improving my technical skill set. Learning new skills has been a great motivator as a learner and designer, adding more skills to my tool belt.

Sunday, August 1, 2010


I have a close and varied network. Each sector contributes differently to my learning. As I begin to reflect on how those involved in my network contribute to the way I learn, each serves a different purpose. The social sites that I frequent mostly contribute to entertainment and mental relaxation. Occasionally, there will be a post of relevance and know how. This would be an instance when I would pay close attention to the details causing my cognitive skills to wake up and “pay attention”. For instance, just the other day a friend posted a video on the various additives that are being approved by FDA and input into our daily food. Through research those same additives are now being linked to common causes of cancer in humans. This may or may not have been information I would have come across through my normal studies.
The work sites that I visit have changed the way I learn in that I use a more varied way of learning, depending on what task I am working with. Birkman man has allowed me to hone my skills in concepts and deciphering. I think it has also allowed me to grow as a person by being more cognizant of people perceptions when discussing their results. I feel Birkman is a great tool for understanding people and their reactions; although, it may not be 100% accurate. Mind tools is a great source to research information that can be used in my daily work practices. Now I may frequent this site for the latest information.
Technology has become a more consistent network in learning. Years ago learning was more hands on, live and in person, that has now changed. Now it’s easy and practical to reach out to others on the internet to communicate on different learning topics. Blogs is a great example of this varied approach to learning through technology. Taking classes online is another way technology has been an influence on learning. Here you are able to learn basic skills such as time management and organizing while also learning the class material.
I like e-learning or videos to assist in facilitating learning. They allow me to review at my leisure, also providing a visual of the learning material. I am a visual learner at times. When you have the e-learning, it assists in retrieval of data.
There are different ways to gain new knowledge when I have questions. Often how depends on which network I am working with. In my online classroom, I am able to reach out to other students or faculty if I am unable to locate a solution through the resources already provided. When working on your blogs or other personal sites you can post or send messages to others. Of course, there is always the Google search option to locate the new information you desire.
My personal network has been a great support in assisting with the other daily life chores that arise which allows me to have more time to dedicate to learning. Listening is also a key skill that I can count on my personal network to provide. In fact, I think that may be the best.